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JMVG Updates July & October

Monday 2nd October saw Pete Gale, Dave Taylor, Geof Bryant and Jayne Taylor out on the course erecting a couple of the very smart new T-Box signs and, as necessary, re-siting the rubbish bins. The weather was not very helpful with constant drizzle but at least it was not cold.

As usual, many thanks to the JMVG volunteers.

July updates:

Many thanks to Terry Newman, (Club Champion!)for all his hard work in restoring and painting the bench by 15th T-box.

Mike Kemp has already started on the bench by 3 and the plan is to also refurbish the blue bench by 13 to match.

Our thanks to both Terry and Mike for their work.

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Many thanks to all who braved the wind and the rain today to help raise funds for the Johnny Miller Volunteer Group. This year the club team played the seniors and the Seniors were victorious scoring

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